
Our Philosophy

The Greenville Community Church Nursery School adheres to the developmental approach outlined in the guidelines of the National Association for the Education of Young Children.

It is recognized that developmentally appropriate practice has two components - that which is age-appropriate and that which is individually appropriate for a particular child.

Here at Greenville, age-appropriate activities are tailored to meet the needs of the individual child so that his/her social, emotional, physical and cognitive development is best served.

Since young children learn best in an interactive fashion, a hands-on, multi-sensory approach is used. The experiences and interests of the children are used as starting points in planning curriculum.

To make the environment a safe one in which respect for others is a natural part of the learning process, limits are clearly defined. Within these limits, children are free to explore, to create, to experiment.

Parents are encouraged to devote time to the program. The school can provide only a part of that which is necessary for each child to develop his/her unique abilities and potential. A partnership between the home and school is crucial.

A sense of self-esteem, gained through competence in dealing with new experiences, materials and individuals, will enable our children to enthusiastically seek new challenges that will foster their growth as happy, vital young people.